Meet the Bianca Family by Matti Klenell, Fontana Arte

‘Not all glass is created equal…’

Timeless elegance of the Bianca family comes from the unique surface detail of the glass….. Innovation meets artistry in this exquisite lighting family. Designed by Matti Klenell for Fontana Arte, each Bianca luminaire blends tradition with modernity to create a captivating aura of sophistication.

When asked about his inspiration behind the Bianca project, Matti Klenell eloquently reflects, “It’s always tricky to explain a project through your words, but if I should try to do it – the first word that comes to mind is memory.” Indeed, the Bianca luminaires evoke a sense of nostalgia, drawing inspiration from older ideas while infusing them with contemporary flair.

At the heart of the Bianca Family lies a profound appreciation for the intrinsic qualities of glass – a material renowned for its ability to retain memory. Matti Klenell explains, “Glass is a material that has a memory.” This reverence for the material is evident in every facet of the design, from the delicate grooves etched into the white glass diffuser to the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into its creation.

The Bianca luminaires come in several versions, each exuding its own unique charm and personality. Whether it’s the Wall, Ceiling, Table, Pendant, or Floor variant, every member of the Bianca Family is a testament to exquisite craftsmanship and timeless elegance.

One of the defining features of the Bianca luminaires is the intricate decoration adorning the diffuser surface. A series of shallow delicate grooves, reminiscent of small footprints on fresh snow, adds a touch of whimsy and sophistication to the design. Mouth blown, belt sanded, and dipped in acid to achieve the distinctive ‘silk effect’, the Bianca diffusers are a true testament to the artistry of glassmaking.

The matt white coating applied to the metal supports of the Bianca luminaires further enhances their elegance, evoking the name and colour of the diffuser. This attention to detail extends to every aspect of the design, ensuring that the Bianca luminaires are not just lighting fixtures, but works of art that elevate any space they inhabit.

In terms of functionality, the Bianca luminaires excel in providing a warm, diffused, and enveloping light emission that bathes the surrounding environment in a soft glow. Whether used as a focal point in a living room or as accent lighting in a bedroom, the Bianca luminaires add a touch of warmth and sophistication to any interior space.

The Bianca Family is more than just a collection of lighting fixtures – it’s a testament to the intersection of art and functionality. With its timeless elegance, meticulous craftsmanship, and unparalleled attention to detail, the Bianca luminaires are sure to stand the test of time, illuminating spaces and captivating hearts for generations to come.

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