240V 3 phase mixed-system electrified track, with two additional conductors to manage a general digital or analogic signal (1-10V, DALI, dmx, lon, eib, etc.).
Body made of powder coated extruded aluminum, housing four copper conductors (three phases and one neutral 16A) and two copper conductors for the data signal, insulated in PVC. 4mm²-section earth conductor incorporated in the extrusion.
Arranged for ON/OFF separate three-circuit switch or management through digital signal (DALI). EN 60570 certified. Its installation must be accomplished by highly qualified personnel.
Four possible installation systems: directly on ceiling/wall by using the screwpoints provided on the track, on ceiling/wall by using the metal clips (order separately), hanging by using the suspension kits (order separately) or recessed, without exceeding the maximum loads.
To be used with projectors provided with Eurostandard adapter (for standard use) or with DALI-Stucchi adapter (for DALI use).